Miracle International Technology Company Limited (MIT)

Miracle Company International Technology Co., Ltd. provides calibration services for measuring instruments. It is well equipped with skilled personnel and standardized tools that can be traced back to the measurement unit according to the international system. (International System of Units, SI) is correct according to academic principles in metrology. Therefore, ensuring that every measuring instrument will be calibrated. Accurately so that the tool can be used well. accurate and precise.

“ The best calibration you can trust “

MIT was registered as a company on October 24, 2002 by Mr. Sitthichai Netpradit.

Who currently holds the position managing director of the company After only three months of establishment, it has applied for accreditation of the calibration laboratory according to the TIS 17025-2543 (ISO/IEC17025:1999) standard from the Industrial Product Standards Institute, Ministry of Industry (TISI) and has been certified for its competence. In January 2004 in the field of temperature (Temperature) and the flow rate field using water as a medium (Liquid Flow Meter) and MIT has modified the standard system from TIS. 17025-2543 or ISO/IEC 17025: 1999 to TIS. 17025: 2548 or ISO. /IEC 17025: 2005 and expanding the scope of accreditation for additional competencies, MIT currently has a scope of services covering 16 measurement fields.

MIT also attaches importance to the dissemination of knowledge and understanding of quality systems. Therefore, training seminars have been organized for customers on various metrology topics to help enhance skills and increase knowledge to be able to understand the measurement system correctly And continuously, it is accepted by the National Institute of Metrology. And has been trusted by leading manufacturing industry groups that place importance on quality systems by using continuous calibration services.


To be the number one leading company in the country with quality and determination to provide excellent service by using innovation and professional personnel.


To be the country’s leading calibrating company that all industry groups have access to.
Focuses on providing excellent service and quality by combining the use of technology and personnel to achieve good results. and sustainable.

MIT core value